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About our school

Eugen Kumičić Primary School

Primary school Eugena Kumičić is located in Slatina, Croatia. We have 563 students in 34 departments from grade 1 to grade 8 (students are from 7 - 14 years old.). In our primary school we also have classes for children with special needs from grade 1 to grade 8. They attend school in specialized classrooms and some of students with special needs are partly integrated in regular classes. Besides our main school we also have 5 branch schools - these are the schools located in the villages nearby Slatina. In the last couple of years, we have a significant decreasment of students in our school. We are trying to provide our students better conditions for the future - to teach them life skills needed for 21 century, to expand their digital competences and working in teams as well as teach them how to solve problems and use critical thinking. For these reasons we have conducted several EU funded projects for equpping our school with tablets for students and teachers, e-learning labs, bulding specialized classrooms fom children with special needs and developing new curriculums for computer science and for children with special needs. In the field of Erasmus, we finished Comenius multilateral partnership from 2013-2015 called ''Friendship of dances'', Erasmus+ KA1 ''Kids from the future'' project and Erasmus+ KA1 project ''School withous borders''. Currently we conduct KA1 project ''School of peace and friendship'' as well as KA2 project ''Generative application to manage education''. 

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